How It Works

The Tip
Tips are received at the local Crime Stoppers Tip Line 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS), via the internet at, or using a Smart Phone application. The tip line uses a stand alone telephone which does not use caller ID, and conversations are not recorded. Web tips and Mobile tips are received by the program only after the originator’s IP address or device identity is removed from the tip.
The Call Taker will ask questions about the suspect and the crime, completes the report, then passes the information to the police for their investigation. Callers are given a report number and encouraged to call or write back if they obtain further details that could assist the police investigation. The more details the tipster can provide about the suspect, the crime, and information to support the allegation, the more the police have to work from. Callers can also call or write back to inquire regarding the status of the investigation. Crime Stoppers takes information on all types of crimes including but not limited to driving offenses, illicit drugs, Elder abuse, theft, assault, mischief, homicide, fraud and more.

The Police Investigation
The Police receive a report from Crime Stoppers outlining the information provided by the anonymous tipster. The police then conduct an investigation into the information provided. The tip information may be part of an already ongoing police investigation or create a new investigation. A Crime Stoppers tip is not considered evidence in itself. If the police are able to establish the information is true and correct, it is considered a tool in their toolbox which enables them to discover the evidence needed to make an arrest or lay charges. The more information and detail a tipster can provide to Crime Stoppers, the more the police will have to go on as they initiate their investigation.
The police notify Crime Stoppers of the results of their investigation. Crime Stoppers will update their records and wait for the tipster to call back for an update. If the tip led to an arrest, charges, recovery of stolen property or seizure of illegal drugs or weapons, the tipster becomes eligible for a cash reward of up to $2000.

The Reward
The rewards are calculated individually for each case. A number of factors are considered when applying a monetary value to the reward amount. Some of these factors include how much detail was provided by the tipster, how many times they called back to provide additional information, how many arrests or charges resulted from the tips, and also the type and value of any property, weapons or drugs seized. The seriousness of the crime is also a consideration. The Board of Directors meets monthly at which time they determine reward amounts and authorize the payments to be made to the eligible tipsters.
The tipster must call back to the tip line for instructions on how to pick up their reward. All rewards are distributed in cash through a financial institution. Tipsters never reveal their identity at the financial institution, but instead use a secondary code issued by Crime Stoppers.
Many tipsters are not motivated by the cash reward and simply decline to pick up their payment. These funds are recirculated through the reward fund.

When to Call
Maybe you overhear someone bragging about having committed a crime. Maybe you know someone who is driving a stolen car…or is hiding from the police…or is a robber or drug dealer. Or maybe you just see something that doesn’t look right. A strange car. A person acting sneaky. Someone with a gun or knife.
If you aren’t sure that what you saw or heard is really a crime, call anyway. Let the police decide if it’s worth investigating. It may be a piece of a clue to a big crime.
If your information is related to an emergency or imminent danger – do not call CSSDM, call 911. You can request to be an anonymous source. CSSDM is not the appropriate avenue for these calls.