About Our Program

Crime Stoppers of Simcoe Dufferin Muskoka is a civilian, volunteer based crime fighting program which provides a way for the public to anonymously report information about crimes and criminals to the police. The information is given anonymously to Crime Stoppers who in turn send the information to the police. Crime Stoppers’ tipsters never have to identify themselves, never have to attend court, and may be eligible for cash rewards.

Crime Stoppers of Simcoe Dufferin Muskoka services a vast geographical area, encompassing 110,217 square kilometers and 534,203 residents. Our communities are varied, ranging from a large city, to towns, hamlets, and rural areas.

Tipsters never identify themselves or testify in court

Our mandate is to assist the Police in solving crimes making our communities and schools safer. Our program encourages members of the community to call anonymously with information that assists in solving crimes that have been committed, are being committed or are about to be committed including information relating to the whereabouts of wanted persons, illegal drugs and stolen property, human trafficking, elder abuse and more. Crimes range from minor thefts to murders.

We offer cash rewards to anonymous callers when their information assists the police in recovering stolen property, seizing illegal drugs or when an arrest is made.

The program develops, promotes and encourages a high standard of cooperation between the community, the news media and the police to combat crime in our communities and schools and contributes to the security of persons and property by assisting law enforcement agencies in the investigation and prevention of crime.

Citizens of all communities in the Counties of Simcoe, Dufferin and the District Municipality of Muskoka are affected by their participation in the prevention of and subsequent reduction of crime and removal of illicit drugs from their communities and schools by taking an active role in reporting crimes anonymously.

Crime Stoppers provides a tool for law abiding citizens to provide information on a crime that has been committed which assists investigative agencies solve crimes and deter the use of illegal drugs in our communities and schools.

Our clients are members of our communities regardless of age, gender and financial status. Our program area=s population is also unique in that our summer residents increase by 50,000 compared to our normal population of 559,894. We currently have thirty-two (32) secondary schools in our program area with more than 28,407 students benefiting from our program. Crime Stoppers provides an avenue for our youth to give valuable information about a crime while remaining anonymous.

The community is the backbone of the program because it is through citizens of the communities that we obtain the information needed to help solve crime.

Crime Stoppers works in partnership with the Police and other investigative agencies in the County of Simcoe, Dufferin and the District Municipality of Muskoka. These include nine (9) Ontario Provincial Police Detachments and five (5) Municipal Police Services. Crime Stoppers provides these investigative agencies with anonymous information received for investigation in an effort to reduce or prevent crimes in our communities and schools.
Crime Stoppers works in partnership with the Media in the County of Simcoe, Dufferin and the District Municipality of Muskoka. These include two (2) television stations, five (5) community cable stations and thirty-seven (37) newspaper contacts. The media promotes the program through articles about the program, public service announcements, publishing or broadcasting a “Crime of the Week”. The media, has the task of working with the police co-ordinator to enlighten the citizens of the community where the police need their assistance. The more the media promotes the Crime Stoppers program, the more calls may be received from the community on crimes and the more cases may be solved by the police.
Anonymous Tip Line – 1-800-222-8477
Not Anonymous Office Line – 1-705-726-2237

For Administration only (Nothing sent to the office falls under anonymous)

80 Bradford Street, Suite 236
Barrie, ON
L4N 6S7